Grandma Mimi

Grandma, Šenk's Mimi, was born on 29th August 1923 as the third child on the farm Kvančar in Kvancih to Mom Berta (from Makek's farm) and father Jože Skuber (son of Ferdinand Vaniški). For two years she studied at the National School Kraljevič Andrej in Tržič. In 1937 she finished school with honors, but there was sadly no money to continue her studies for another two years. That same year she went on to serve at Štular's farm, where she first helped with the administration in the timber shop, and later also in the pension. At Štular's she survived the war. After the war, she worked for two years at the local office as an administrator. For a few years she led the local youth organization. In 1947, she married Ludvik Štular, who was 16 years older. Father Josip left the couple the Šenk's farm and thereby saved the farm from nationalization. Sadly, Ludvik and Mimi were left with only 16 hectares of land on which they had to produce enough to provide for themselves and their family. With perseverance, good will and optimism they conquered many problems of post-war period. The locals liked to visit them, as did many foreign guests; sometimes for a chat, or to help them with their daily work. Unfortunately, due to disease Ludvik died in 1987. From then on Mimi had to manage the farm alone, together with her daughter Brigita until 2010, when she left it to her granddaughter Polona and her family.

Until her last day Mimi was known as an excellent interlocutor. Despite her old age, she remained very smart and had a good memory. In the last year of her life she participated in the creation of a new book on the management of the Jezersko farms, written by a well-known historian and ethnologist dr. Marija Makarovič. She knew it all: how to properly bake »potica« and make »žganci«, what to do if there is a problem with the animals, how it was in 1943, when the war raged, who is related to whom and what is the current political situation. All the time she followed TV and radio shows and loved to chat with visitors. In August 2013, when she celebrated 90 years, the mayor of Jezersko Jure Markič and his co-worker Jasna visited her and they chatted for two hours about many things.

Our grandmother Mimi left us suddenly, as she fell asleep on 15th February 2014, just hours after she had followed with interest the preparations for the celebration of 80th birthday of the neighbour Francl, longtime shepherd of Šenk's and Štular's sheep on Goli vrh.

We remember her with joy and from memories of her we draw strength to continue her long-standing work on Šenk's homestead.

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