Observation of animals of Slovenian indigenous spicies
At the Šenk’s homestead, we breed Slovenian indigenous animal breeds.
Many do not realize that the biodiversity of animal genetic resources is not only reduced by the extinction of animal species, but also significantly reduced by the extinction of the breeds themselves.
In Slovenia, among all Slovenian indigenous breeds of domestic animals, seven breeds have a critical (highest) level of threat (Lipizzan horse, Posavje horse, Slovenian cold-blooded horse, Bovec sheep, Karst sheep, Bela krajina sheep, Drežnica goat), three breeds are endangered (cika cattle, Krškopolje pig, Styrian hen), one breed was assessed as vulnerable (Jezersko-Solčava sheep).
The importance of preserving domestic breeds is also recognized at the Šenk’s homestead. In our pastures, you can also see indigenous cika cows, Jezersko-Solčava sheep, Krškopolje pigs and Styrian hens. For our efforts, we have also obtained an ARK farm certificate. The term "ark" (in the direct translation of the barge, chest) indicates that it concerns preserving and promoting the breeding of native breeds in the local environment. Ark farms and Ark centres represent farms where breeds are preserved and represent a collection - a treasure chest of valuable genetic resources.
The most important in Jezersko is breeding of sheep of the Jezersko - Solčava breed, which our ancestors bred. We are very proud of them, since one of our ancestors took them to Paris for an exhibition in 1856. You can read more about the sheep here:

The next group of animals on our homestead is cika cattle. Cika almost extinct in the past, but now, due to its suitability for our pastures, more and more herds of these animals are appearing in Jezersko. You can read more about the cika cow here:
The third indigenous animal on our farm is Krškopolje pig. Due to their higher fat content, just like cows these pigs have almost disappeared from Slovenian yards. The pigs, which are black and white in colour and suitable for breeding outside, are characterized by high-quality fat and very tasty meat in addition to the ease of breeding. You can read more about the Krškopolje pig here:

The last native breed of animals on our farm, however, are
Styrian hens. Their major specificity, besides the crest on their heads, are white eggs. They are the beauty of our yard and a pleasure to the children looking for their eggs around the farm. More about the Styrian hen is available at this link: http://www.genska-banka.si/pasme/stajerska-kokos/.

In addition to the indigenous breeds of domestic animals, other chickens, ducks, cats and a guard dogs walk in our yard. The guard dogs names are Archie and his son Medo. They are especially pleased with every visitor to our homestead.