Our cuisine
Availability of our offer
Our cuisine is enjoyed by guests staying with us at the Šenk homestead, regardless of the type of accommodation; rooms, apartments and camping space. By prior agreement, also other guests in Jezersko and closed companies, outside the main tourist season. In order to enjoy our culinary delights, advance notice is necessary, because due to the limited factors of food production, we do not always have enough raw materials available for all your wishes.
We cook and serve dinners for guests from Tuesday to Saturday, and on weekends (Saturday and Sunday) we also have food available during the day for passing visitors of Jezersko and our farm. Dinner is at 6 p.m. and is a 4-course meal, while lunches are available between 12 p.m. and 3 p.m. For all wishes outside of this time frame, please contact us separately at info@senkovadomacija.si or at +386 41467008.
In the colder part of the year, meals are served in two dining rooms that can accommodate up to 25 people. One is in the renovated house, and the other is on the ground floor of the old house. In the summertime, tables are arranged on our outdoor terrace for sitting in the fresh lake air. Next to the terrace, there is also a green area with deckchairs and a playground for children, and chickens and cats also walk between the tables and entertain our youngest guests.
On Šenk's homestead we strive to maintain the
old traditional dishes that were prepared already by our grandmothers and are inextricably linked with the life on the farm, celebrations and changes of the seasons. We adapt the cuisine also according to the wishes of our guests and try to give old dishes
new meaning.
»Masunjek« on homemade bread,
buckwheat »žganci« with »ajmoht«,
goulash with bread dumplings,
sour milk,
cold cuts, potatoes from the local fields and
mint syrup are the main gems of our offer, which is topped with
»buhtlji« with homemade plum jam or
»šmorn« with prune jam. We are promoting the baking of bread in the bread oven and we added to the menu also the so-called
»posmodula« - rustic pizza. Its dough is spread with sour cream and sprinkled with greaves or local herbs.

A special place occupy dishes that are eaten on certain holidays.
»Jezersko zos« for the carnival time,
»bula« for Easter,
»pohane šnite« on St. Florian's day, and, of course,
crispy baked lamb, prepared on other more festive days, are an important culinary tradition of our home.

Buckwheat »žganci«We prepare
buckwheat »žganci« the Carinthian way: by
burning them. This way they are really burned and not cooked and have particularly good taste. Of course we lard them with greaves and they taste best when paired with »ajmoht« or stew. The stew can be made of veal, sheep or poultry.

»Masunjek«»Masunjek«, or properly Slovenian – »maslovnik«, is a typical shepherd's dish, made from sweet and sour cream and mixed with a little buckwheat flour. It is best eaten warm, spread on homemade bread, along with sour milk. Cream should be cooked until the butter is eliminated from the dish; hence its name (maslo=butter). It is best to use homemade cream taken from a large pot of sour milk.
»Buhtlji« with homemade plum jamThe old plum trees, growing in our orchard, bear plums for the best
plum jam, which my grandmother used to cook. She was preparing it all day in a large black pan on a brick stove. Sometimes it came out so hard that you couldn't even cut it out of the jar. This kind of jam was then good only for making »buhtlji«. My grandmother slightly dissolved the jam in a small pan, in which she added a little hot water. For the warm dough to rise is was also necessary to have warm jam.